Alan Chew

As head of buying and renting for the past six years, Alan Chew is expert at finding the perfect home for you and your loved ones. Whether you're looking for a short-term lease, co-living, student accommodation or a condo in a high-rise, Janelle and her buying team are perfectly poised to open the door to your dream home.  

Alan Chew is well-known around the office for his morning "listings check." The first thing he does when he gets to work is sip a coffee and get intimately acquainted with all of the listings in town. She then sends out snapshots to his team, so they can quickly figure out which listings best apply to their clients' needs.

You'll often hear CS say, "Your dream home's just around the corner. It's our job to find the key." 

Buy and sell with confidence.

Strategically Vibrant In

Bandar Sunway.

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